After a pretty uneventful trip, we arrived at the casino at about 4:30 a.m (with no sleep, I might add). After we got around and got a seat in the poker room, we started playing at about 5 a.m. The only game we could really get a seat is was the $4-$8 game. This place is absolutely huge!!! There are 100 tables in the room, and we had to wait for a seat at 5 in the morning!
Well, anyways, back to the poker. We ended up playing to about 8:15 a.m, and then headed for the conference. I ended up winning $77, and Pounds lost like $150. I only won a few hands, but I’ll go over a couple of them.

The first hand I won was when I had pocket Queens, and they held up. This game was very loose, and I had a couple of people call me down to the river. The J of spades hit the river and paired the board, so I checked, fearing that I was drawn out on, but the 2 pair held up and I had won my first pot of the night.
The next hand I won was a monster. I limped in with KQo in middle position, and 7 people saw a flop of 10 J A rainbow. Yes, I flopped the nuts with 7 people in the pot. I bet, and got called by 5 people…at this time, as happy as I was to have flopped the nuts, I was a little worried that maybe someone had two pair or something. Well, the turn brought the 8 of spades, which put 2 spades on the board. I bet out, and got called by 3 people. The river brought the J of clubs, and this obviously scared me, as I was worried someone hit their full house. Well someone bet into me, but there was no way I could fold, so I called. I had considered raising, but this was pretty early in the session and I didn’t know what the player betting into me was capable of, so I just called as did one other player. Well it turns out that the guy that bet into me had AQ, good for 2 pair, and I’m not sure what the other player had as they didn’t show. But my flopped Broadway was good enough for a monster pot, probably close to $100.
Those were really the only 2 hands of note…I won 2 more I think, but nothing exciting. The breakfast for the conference started at 9, so we headed up to the room and ate, and waited for the conference. At this time I had been up for about 27 hours straight and I was feeling pretty horrible. Well, the conference went off without a hitch, and at 6, after 36 hours without sleep, we were finished. We got to meet some cool pros, and get some pictures and such. My favorite pro was Mark Gregorich. He was incredibly knowledgeable and very down to Earth…he even told us to look him up when

Well, we drove for about 2 hours and called it a night…Laying in that bed after all that time without sleep was the best feeling ever! The next morning we woke up and drove the rest of the way home.
On Monday and Tuesday, I proceeded to lose about $180 online…I was playing horrible and running worse. I couldn’t do anything right and was pretty much just bleeding chips the whole time. I played 10 straight 6 person $10 +$1 sit n go’s without cashing…I think that’s the worst streak I’ve ever endured. Luckily, I have a pretty good drive, so I didn’t give up.
So after those 2 autricious days, I managed to book a $42 win last night. Nothing big by any means, but enough to get off the schnide and get headed back in the right direction. I started playing much better and making much better decisions.
That’s pretty much all I’ve got for now, so I guess I’m out…Later!
" Never let your opponent play you, you play them...Look them right in the eye and let them know that they're defeated."