I got a chance to do some things I didn’t get to do last time, like go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower at Paris Las Vegas, and head over to the Hard Rock CafĂ©, and to the Palms. I got some pretty sweet pictures of the Bellagio Fountains atop the Eiffel Tower.
The only 2 nights I really went out were the first night and the last night. I was usually too tired from playing poker all day (and sometimes all night) to really go out too much. The first night, we went to over to the New York New York hotel and went to Coyote Ugly. It’s a pretty cool place, but it gets pretty old after about an hour or so. The last night was the best night of the trip for me. A few of my family friends that I’ve known since I can remember were staying at the same hotel as us, so I got the chance to han

Well, a fun night on Thursday leads too a LOOOOONG day on Friday. We had to check out at 11 a.m., but our flight didn’t leave until midnight, so I was stuck being hung over in the Sports Book all day. It was pretty miserable, but hey, you only live once, so sometimes you gotta suck it up. We ended up getting back to Marion about 12:30 on Saturday, so I slept the rest of the day. I was still exhausted on Christmas, but it was good to see some of the family.
That’s about all I’ve got…Two of my best friends, Kyle and Robin, are getting married on New Year’s Eve, so that should be fun…Good Luck you two, I love ya both.
Well, Happy New Year…and GO BUCKS!
"Losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel"