Friday, November 17, 2006

Twas' The Night Before Michigan

Twas the night before game time,
And all round the shoe,
Not a creature was sleeping,
They were screaming Beat Blue.
The banners were hung by the lamp posts with care
In hopes that St.Troy would find Ginn through the air.
Drunken and crazy and burning their beds,
While visions of kick off danced through their heads.
When all of the sudden there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the keg to see what was the matter.
When there in the sky, in a Coupe DeVille sleigh,
Was Woody Hayes decked out in scarlet and gray.
He looked on the crowd that was gathered around,
And said that he heard that a game was in town.
I came here to watch it, and wish you good luck.
Though it's not like you need it, cause Michigan Sucks!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Chicago Is So Two Years Ago

This post is well overdue, but here it goes...keep in mind I wrote this the day after we got back from Chicago, I've just been too lazy to post it.

Ahhh…it's good to be home! It was an awesome trip to Chicago, but it was exhausting. We probably walked 10-15 miles in two days, so it's Tuesday and I'm still recovering. It was fun though, and I would definetly recommend Chicago to anyone.

We got in at about 8:45 Saturday morning and took a cab from the airport to our Hotel. The second we stepped out of the cab, Mother Nature's winter grip slowly started to tighten on Chicago. It wasn't freezing cold, but the buildings in Chicago serve as pseudo wind tunnels, and it is the whipping winds are hard to bare at times. The Hotel was awesome, and I'll try to post a pic or two, but since I lost my f#$%ing camera, I'll have to get the pictures from Kylie. (I'll talk more about that later.) We went up on the Sears Tower on Saturday morning, and got a beautiful view of the Windy City. They say you can see up to 50 miles on some days, but I think the visibility was ONLY 30 miles when we went up. I can now say I've been on the two tallest buildings in America, the Sears Tower and the Stratosphere in Vegas. (I think that's true, I'll have to look that up).

The rest of the day we did some shopping and relaxed in the hotel room. We watched some of the Buckeyes game and then went to dinner at a nice little café on Navy Pier. Afterwards, we retired to the room to chill out and just relax for a little bit. We had a long day ahead of us on Sunday, so we wanted to get some shut eye in the KING size bed we had. Ah, how nice that was.

Sunday, Mother Nature saw it fit to relieve some of the wintery pressure on us, and it was a pretty decent day in Chicago. We had to check out at noon, and our flight didn't leave until 9, so we had a whole lotta time to kill. We started by going to lunch at a 50's style dinner about 2 miles from our hotel. It was a pretty cool place with really good food. I wish we had a place like that around here. It was a little pricy, as are most things in Chicago, but it was pretty cool.
This is where the camera comes in. We took a cab to NikeTown, and in the process, I left my camera in the cab. I didn\'t realize it for about an hour, and by then I was screwed. I made a few feeble efforts to contact the lost and found departments of various cab companies in Chicago, but it was to no avail. I suppose I have to get a new one.

So Sunday, we pretty much shopped all day. In shopping at all of these fine establishments in Chicago, I noticed that all most of the doors are of the revolving nature. The doors that actually opened were all EXTREMELY heavy. They were all at least 3 inches think and made of the heaviest wood you could imagine. The only reason I could come up with for these heavy doors is that it makes it harder for people to break in. But be prepared for a workout if you go shopping in Chicago.

After about 6 solid hours of walking around Chicago, we got on the train and went to the airport. We got there kind of early, but it was nice to relax and chill before we flew home. We got back to our apartment at about midnight, and that wrapped up our trip. Like I said, it was a blast, and it was nice to get away for even just a weekend. It's back to the daily grind now, so I'll try to keep ya'll updated on any exciting happenings. I wouldn't cross you fingers if I were you.

"You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you, how many moments of other peoples lives have we been in,we're we a part of someone's life when their dreams came true, or were we there when their dreams died. Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there, or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it."