Friday, December 14, 2007
The Nameless Blog
I promised I'd write more...that was over 2 months ago, and this is my first post since then. Well, I've just been busy. Not doing anything terribly important or exciting, just working really. Kylie was confronted with a less than appealing medical situation, that required her to have surgery but it seems like that has worked itself out...hopefully.
I finished up my first class in this expierment of me going back to school. I ended up with a B...could've done better, but alot of things came up at once, and I didn't have alot of time to put into the last two projects for the class, so a B is what I get. Listen to my excuses...I should've gotten an A, but I pretty much blew off the last two projects and did them at the last second, which is what I usually do with school stuff. Hopefully I can avoid that this quarter.
Christmas is coming up, and that's exciting...I guess. I'm really trying to be smarter with money and get some debt paid off, while at the same time saving for the wedding in Vegas and the honeymoon in Jamaica...but Christmas isn't really cooperating. I still really like Christmas, but it's kinda lost it's meaning to me in the past two seems like spending money is the new meaning, not giving "gifts", no matter what their monetary value. Maybe next year when we'll have more money for Christmas, I'll get a little more involved and excited.
Other than that, not much going on. Trying to make this push at work so I can get me 2k bonus for the 4th quarter...that would be sweet. No quote today, I don't feel like taking the time to find one...maybe next time. See ya!
I finished up my first class in this expierment of me going back to school. I ended up with a B...could've done better, but alot of things came up at once, and I didn't have alot of time to put into the last two projects for the class, so a B is what I get. Listen to my excuses...I should've gotten an A, but I pretty much blew off the last two projects and did them at the last second, which is what I usually do with school stuff. Hopefully I can avoid that this quarter.
Christmas is coming up, and that's exciting...I guess. I'm really trying to be smarter with money and get some debt paid off, while at the same time saving for the wedding in Vegas and the honeymoon in Jamaica...but Christmas isn't really cooperating. I still really like Christmas, but it's kinda lost it's meaning to me in the past two seems like spending money is the new meaning, not giving "gifts", no matter what their monetary value. Maybe next year when we'll have more money for Christmas, I'll get a little more involved and excited.
Other than that, not much going on. Trying to make this push at work so I can get me 2k bonus for the 4th quarter...that would be sweet. No quote today, I don't feel like taking the time to find one...maybe next time. See ya!
Friday, October 05, 2007
It's Been Sooooooo Long!!
I'm back...
It's been a long time, and I've had a TON going on, but I'm going to do my best to start writing more. I want to be able to look back on this blog and remember this time in my life, and I won't be able to do that unless I write some stuff...
Since I last posted, I've bought a house, got a new job, bought another puppy, and have spent a ton of $$ on the wedding preparations. I'm going to start writing more, but I just wanted to throw this post up to get things started...
Also, I don't know if I'll be posting the quotes with EVERY post, but I'll still try to make keep them frequent.
That's all for now, more hopefully this weekend...
It's been a long time, and I've had a TON going on, but I'm going to do my best to start writing more. I want to be able to look back on this blog and remember this time in my life, and I won't be able to do that unless I write some stuff...
Since I last posted, I've bought a house, got a new job, bought another puppy, and have spent a ton of $$ on the wedding preparations. I'm going to start writing more, but I just wanted to throw this post up to get things started...
Also, I don't know if I'll be posting the quotes with EVERY post, but I'll still try to make keep them frequent.
That's all for now, more hopefully this weekend...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
All These Things That I've Done
I just sat down to write this, knowing that it has been a long time since I last posted. I'm going to stop promising that I'll post more often, becuause the truth is I probably won't. I'm going to be a lot busier in the next couple months than I have been, so I know more frequent posts are not in the near future. The point I'm trying to make is that life is busy, and I don't know how much I'll be able to post coming up, but that's ok. My life seems to be coming together, and it's a good feeling.

The Final Four was cool too…it just sucks we lost the National Championship game…especially to Florida. Oh well, nothing we can do. Here are a few pics…
I've been thinking the past couple days about how lucky I am. I have a wonderful family that has supported me in anything I've ever done, whether they agreed with it or not. They've always been there, and have provided me with the material things I've needed (or wanted) to the best of their abilities. I have really great friends who are always there, and we always look out for each other, while having a blast together at the same time. Most importantly though, I have the best finace anyone could ever ask for. She puts up with me when I'm in a bad mood, and sometimes I'm sure that can be a chore in itself. She's beautiful, caring, and she's the woman of my dreams. I'm very lucky to have her, and she's spun my life around 180 degrees, which is exactly what I needed.
The reason I've been thinking about this is because of the things I've had the opportunity to do in my life. I might not have the best job, I might not have the best things, but I've had the opportunity to do A LOT of things. Now that we just went to the Final Four, I've got to watch both a College Basketball and College Football National Championship. I've been to like 30 states. I've played baseball everywhere from Ohio to Tennessee to Oklahoma. I've played poker at some of the biggest and best casinos in the world. Now, I'm no high roller by any means, but I've had the opportunity to do a lot of things in my life, and for that, I'm very thankful.
Well, Vegas was fun…I don't feel like talking too much about it right now, so that'll be that. I might post some pictures on here randomly just for fun.

That's all for now…who knows when I'll be back.
"Have you ever wondered what marks our timing? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives... for better, or worse."
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Lifetime Piling Up
Whew…doesn't seem like there is any time to slow down these days. When I was younger, I always wondered why adults always said they were so busy. I didn't understand how they had all these things to do. Now I do. Everything is so hectic, and there is just so much to get done. There just isn't enough hours in the day.
We've been back from Vegas for about a week and a half, and yet I still haven't had time to post a trip report. An abbreviated version might come in this blog futher down, but I haven't decided yet. I'd like to do a nice full one, so we'll see.
My mom got out of the hospital while we were in Vegas, but then had to go back in 3 days later. She had fluid on her lungs, which was causing her a lot of pain, so they had to put a chest tube in to drain the fluid. The problem is that she has been on blood thinner (and will be for awhile) to stop clots from forming, so they had to stop her blood thinner and wait for her blood level to get back to normal so she wouldn't bleed to death when they put the tube in. So she's been in the hospital for a week and a half. The good news is that she had the tube taken out yesterday, and as soon as they can get her blood thinner level back up, she should be able to go home for good…at least let's pray it's for good. She's been through more in the last year and a half than any human should have to endure during their entire life. She deserves to catch a break here soon.
Other than that, we're trying to find a house still. It's starting to get a little frustrating, but hopefully we can find something we like soon. I'm also trying to get some bills paid off before we get a house. I've been pretty irrresponsible with money this past year, and I'm paying for it now…literally. I've been trying to work some overtime to get the extra cash to pay off some of these debts, but with my mom in the hospital it's hard to find the time. I try to go see her everyday because I know it can get lonely in the hospital, but it shortens my evenings. I shouldn't be complaining though, she's the one that has to be in there.
I did finally pay off Kylie's ring!!! I'm pretty proud of myself actually. I came up with $5,000 in a little less than 5 months. That's pretty impressive…at least to me. I had 0% interest until December, but I didn't want that big debt hanging over my head, plus it wouldn't look good when we apply for a loan for a house. That's all for now…I've decided to do a full trip report here soon. Give me a week. I'll talk to ya later.
We've been back from Vegas for about a week and a half, and yet I still haven't had time to post a trip report. An abbreviated version might come in this blog futher down, but I haven't decided yet. I'd like to do a nice full one, so we'll see.
My mom got out of the hospital while we were in Vegas, but then had to go back in 3 days later. She had fluid on her lungs, which was causing her a lot of pain, so they had to put a chest tube in to drain the fluid. The problem is that she has been on blood thinner (and will be for awhile) to stop clots from forming, so they had to stop her blood thinner and wait for her blood level to get back to normal so she wouldn't bleed to death when they put the tube in. So she's been in the hospital for a week and a half. The good news is that she had the tube taken out yesterday, and as soon as they can get her blood thinner level back up, she should be able to go home for good…at least let's pray it's for good. She's been through more in the last year and a half than any human should have to endure during their entire life. She deserves to catch a break here soon.
Other than that, we're trying to find a house still. It's starting to get a little frustrating, but hopefully we can find something we like soon. I'm also trying to get some bills paid off before we get a house. I've been pretty irrresponsible with money this past year, and I'm paying for it now…literally. I've been trying to work some overtime to get the extra cash to pay off some of these debts, but with my mom in the hospital it's hard to find the time. I try to go see her everyday because I know it can get lonely in the hospital, but it shortens my evenings. I shouldn't be complaining though, she's the one that has to be in there.
I did finally pay off Kylie's ring!!! I'm pretty proud of myself actually. I came up with $5,000 in a little less than 5 months. That's pretty impressive…at least to me. I had 0% interest until December, but I didn't want that big debt hanging over my head, plus it wouldn't look good when we apply for a loan for a house. That's all for now…I've decided to do a full trip report here soon. Give me a week. I'll talk to ya later.
"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. And, of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But, once in a while, people push onto something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because, it's only when you’re tested that you truly discover who you are. And, it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist; somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief. And, beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead."
Saturday, February 17, 2007
These Are The Times That Try Mens Souls
I know it’s been awhile, but I actually have good reasons this time. I’ve had way TOO much going on, and haven’t even had time to sort out all of my thoughts, let alone enough time to sit down and write about them. I’ll try to keep this short, as I’ve got a lot to get done today since we’re leaving for Vegas on Monday.
First, my mom was life flighted from Marion General Hospital on Friday February 2nd. They took her to Riverside because each of her lungs was 75% blocked with blood clots. This is a very serious situation, and most people that suffer from this die within 30 minutes. It was pretty touch and go there for awhile, but they’ve taken her out of Intensive Care and she’s doing much better. It was probably the most scared I’ve ever been in my life. For the first time, I really wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. I could go into a lot more detail, but I don’t really see any need for it. The only thing that matters now is that she’s getting better, and the doctors expect a full recovery.
The next thing to report is that Kylie and I put an offer on a house the other day. We still haven’t heard if it’s accepted or not, but I’ve got my fingers crossed. It’s a pretty new house built in 2001, and I think it’d be perfect for us where we’re at in our lives now. We’re going to be pretty strapped financially for a little while if we get it, but we’ll figure it out. I just want to get away from apartment living!!
Lastly, we’re heading to Vegas for 4 nights. We leave Monday morning and we’ll be in Vegas by 10 a.m. I don’t know if I’ll get to gamble or play poker as much as I’d like to while we’re there, but I’m looking forward to getting away and spending some time with Kylie. It should be a blast, and since I got a new digital camera, I plan on taking a TON of pictures, so I’ll make sure to post them.
That’s all for now. Sorry it’s been so long, but hopefully everything will settle down a little and I can get back to a normal routine. Til’ next time…
First, my mom was life flighted from Marion General Hospital on Friday February 2nd. They took her to Riverside because each of her lungs was 75% blocked with blood clots. This is a very serious situation, and most people that suffer from this die within 30 minutes. It was pretty touch and go there for awhile, but they’ve taken her out of Intensive Care and she’s doing much better. It was probably the most scared I’ve ever been in my life. For the first time, I really wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. I could go into a lot more detail, but I don’t really see any need for it. The only thing that matters now is that she’s getting better, and the doctors expect a full recovery.
The next thing to report is that Kylie and I put an offer on a house the other day. We still haven’t heard if it’s accepted or not, but I’ve got my fingers crossed. It’s a pretty new house built in 2001, and I think it’d be perfect for us where we’re at in our lives now. We’re going to be pretty strapped financially for a little while if we get it, but we’ll figure it out. I just want to get away from apartment living!!
Lastly, we’re heading to Vegas for 4 nights. We leave Monday morning and we’ll be in Vegas by 10 a.m. I don’t know if I’ll get to gamble or play poker as much as I’d like to while we’re there, but I’m looking forward to getting away and spending some time with Kylie. It should be a blast, and since I got a new digital camera, I plan on taking a TON of pictures, so I’ll make sure to post them.
That’s all for now. Sorry it’s been so long, but hopefully everything will settle down a little and I can get back to a normal routine. Til’ next time…
"When life comes rushing at you from our of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise?And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices? Or will that person be someone untested, someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, when it does -- is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who will watch over you when you stumble and fall? And in that moment, give you the strength to face your fears alone?"
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
This Weight Is A Gift
Man, have I been lazy lately…I'm still stuck in the holiday mode, so I need to kick it in to gear. Starting next week, I'll be working overtime again, so I can start saving for the wedding…wow, never thought I'd be saying that…but that's how it goes. Life seems to work in funny ways, and when you are least expecting something, like finding the person of your dreams, poof…they show up in your life. Maybe everything does work out in the end.
I've been really stressed lately though. It seems like with this wedding, honeymoon, and trying to save money for a house, times are going to be a little tough for the next year and a half. Not to mention that I still have to pay off Kylie's ring before January 1st of next year. Throw all that together with about a 1,000 other things that have to get done or need my attention, and it makes me really stressed. I've tried to tell myself that everything will work itself out, which I'm sure it will, but it's hard to not stress about it. I think that times like these are thrust upon people to help them figure out how much they can handle. I know I'll figure out a way to get through this and I'll come up with the $$ for everything, and in the long run it'll help me because I'll know that I can do anything I need to do. So this burden isn't actually a burden at all, just a challenge that will allow me to take another step in becoming the person I want to be.
My Buckeyes also got WAXED in the National Championship game. They were favored to win, and to be honest I didn't think Florida had a chance…but they came out and dominated the Bucks…the OSU Marching Band did a new version of script Ohio at halftime, when the Buckeyes were down by 20. Check it out.
Also, we've decided on a date and location for the wedding. We're getting married on June 27, 2008 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Mark your calendars, it should be an awesome time!!
On the poker front, I've decided to get back to what makes me money…tournaments and sit n go's. I will mostly play sit n go's, but I want to improve my multi-table tournament game as well. When I was making half-way decent money, I was playing sit n go's…I was up to $20 buy ins, and I hope to be back there in a couple months. I don't think I can play no limit cash games until I learn to control my tilting…I need to get better at that. This is all I've got for now, so I'll catch ya later.
"There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment, you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on path? Will others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be haunted by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or simply give up."
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