First, my mom was life flighted from Marion General Hospital on Friday February 2nd. They took her to Riverside because each of her lungs was 75% blocked with blood clots. This is a very serious situation, and most people that suffer from this die within 30 minutes. It was pretty touch and go there for awhile, but they’ve taken her out of Intensive Care and she’s doing much better. It was probably the most scared I’ve ever been in my life. For the first time, I really wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. I could go into a lot more detail, but I don’t really see any need for it. The only thing that matters now is that she’s getting better, and the doctors expect a full recovery.
The next thing to report is that Kylie and I put an offer on a house the other day. We still haven’t heard if it’s accepted or not, but I’ve got my fingers crossed. It’s a pretty new house built in 2001, and I think it’d be perfect for us where we’re at in our lives now. We’re going to be pretty strapped financially for a little while if we get it, but we’ll figure it out. I just want to get away from apartment living!!
Lastly, we’re heading to Vegas for 4 nights. We leave Monday morning and we’ll be in Vegas by 10 a.m. I don’t know if I’ll get to gamble or play poker as much as I’d like to while we’re there, but I’m looking forward to getting away and spending some time with Kylie. It should be a blast, and since I got a new digital camera, I plan on taking a TON of pictures, so I’ll make sure to post them.
That’s all for now. Sorry it’s been so long, but hopefully everything will settle down a little and I can get back to a normal routine. Til’ next time…
"When life comes rushing at you from our of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise?And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices? Or will that person be someone untested, someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, when it does -- is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who will watch over you when you stumble and fall? And in that moment, give you the strength to face your fears alone?"