Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's Resolutions...

Well, the New Year has come and gone, and I haven't had a chance to put my New Year's Resolutions in writing, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and put them and writing and make a blog post, so here it goes:

1. Lose 30 lbs. by June 1st. Kylie bet me $100 bucks in chips when we get to Vegas that I can't lose 30 lbs. I think this will be relatively easy, as its really only 5 pounds a month. I've already started changing the diet a little, and I plan to start using the eliptical machine every morning.

2. Keep it off. This could be a challenge. I'm sure while we're in Vegas and in Jamica there will be plenty of delicious food, so it might be a challenge when I get back. I think that if I start a daily routine, I'll be ok.

3. Pay off all credit card debt. We're actually in pretty good shape on this one, as I have a plan in place to pay all this off (except for about $600) by the wedding. The challenge is to not use the credit cards once their paid off.

4. Save $3,000. With all that's going on this year, this could be a little tough, but with the wedding gifts we COULD receive (I'm not expecting anything, but I'm sure we'll get some generous gifts), I think we'll be able to get to this # if we're smart.

5. Have $1,500 in each of our IRA's by '09. This could be challenging as well. Kylie's tips should easily fund her $1,500, but I'm not sure how I'll fund mine. I don't want to rely on her tips for mine, so I'll probably have to generate some additional income in order to do this. Guess I need to figure out how to do that.

6. Have $1,000 in an emergency fund by '09. This is kinda important, as we need to have something back (instead of a credit card) in case of unexpected expenses like car repairs, medical expenses, etc. I hope to get this accomplished early in '09.

7. Start playing poker again. I would really like to start playing again, as I really miss it and the extra income (when I was playing well) was nice. I'd like to have a bankroll of $1,500 by the end of the year.

Those are my New Year's resolutions for the year. Of course there are others, like being a better fiance/husband to Kylie, house improvements, etc, but I'm confident in my ability to accomplish those. I wanted to put these ones in writing so I can hold myself to them. I'll try to post updates throughout the year on my progress.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I wish for you all to spend 2008 doing amazing things with the amazing people in your life. Remember, life is what you make of it, and it's all about the experiences. Peace.

"It's not the destination, it's the journey"

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